ILLINOIS BOUNTY LAND REGISTER. VOLUMEL NUMBER 40.) i A FAITHFUL REGISTER OF PASSNIG EY ENTS.” TBRMS, PER ANNUM Within S:x Monthsfromthetime of subscribing - 92 60 Aithe'Expirationof the Year, -°. - - - - - 200 Subscriptions fora period of jess than one year must be in advanoe $ Letters, toceccive attention, must be postpaid NOTICE. THE building ofa wooden Jail,forHancock county, in Carthage, will belet out on the Wird day of the next March term'of the County Commissioners’ “Court of said county- Phe building will be 26 feet Tong, and 16 feet wide, two stories high and the np- per part suitably divided into rooms.‘ n Mechanics, and others'so are requested to furnish plans fr the building, conforming with the above discription, on or before the first day of the said term, for the consideration of the court. Ry order of the County’ Commissioners’ Court, December term, 1835, 93 46 attest WESLEY WILLIAMS Cik Sana Droos by her next friend) Waic- Inthe Illinois, Pike Circuit Court Liam Starr, P of April term, 1836, vs, Petition for a Divorce. Groner Dicas. S* RAH Dicos, the complainant having filed an affidavit in the Clerk’s office, in and for the County and state aforesaid, wherein she shows that the defendant resides out‘of the state of INinois.— Now thisis to require the defendant, George Diggs to take notice of the pendency of the above suity which is returnable before the court aforesaid, on the first Mondy in April next at pittsfield, in the county and state aforesaid; when hé may give his attendance if he sees fit. JAMES DAVIS, Clerk ct. court, January 9, 1836.—39-42 oe: v Returnable to Jpril term, 1236, Wryutax Aciconx, § On attachment. Nese is hereby given to the said William AN Altcorn, tate of the county of Pikes and state of Illinois, that a writof attachmentissued out of the Clerk’s office of the said court, dated the seven- seenth day of December, A. D. 1838, at the suit of W. King and company, for the sum of seventy dol- Jars, which said writ has been returned by the she- Tiff of the said county, as levied upon the following property, to wit: the west halfof the north east quarter of section seven, ‘in town six north, range four west, containing eighty acres. Now unless you the said William, Allcorn, shall personally be, and appear before the Judgeof the'’said circuit court, on the first day of the next term thereof, to he holdeu at the court house in the town of Pitts- field, on the first monday ‘in the month of April pexb give special bail, and plead to’ the said plain- tis action, judgment will be entered against you in favor of the said W. King and company, and said estate so attached as aforesaid, will'be sold to satisfy the same, with costs. ped JAM DAVIS, Clerk Ct. court. January 9, 1836.—39-42, ¢ W. Kise & Co. i In the Pike Circnit Court. State of Illinois, Inthe circuit court of Calhoun county, Samuer S lainufl, a mt eu Stitt, Plainti oie petition of Di- against Gi vorce. Patsy Stitt, Defendant, 4 Net said defendant is hereby notified that the “_ plaintff has filed his petition praying for a die yorce, that a summons has issuedagainst er,return- able on the first day of the next term of tlie Circuit Court of said county, to be liolden at thé court house in Gilead on the Friday before the second @fonday of April next, and uhless she appears and answers the said petition, the ‘same will be taken as confessed, and the cause heard ®x-parte, ts Wm. FRYE, clerk uf said court. Wueeten, atly for plaintiff. 2 u Gilead, Dec. 8, 1835—39-42 In the matter of the estate of Sinon Block, Junior, eceased.—T'o ALL WHOM IT MAY CONOERN : ( WANS, notice that a petition will be Presented at the next term of the Circuit Court, to be held on the first Monday in April 4. D. 1836, in and for the county of Pike; and State’ of Tllitibis, for the artition of the real estate of the deceased, in con- ais with the provisions of said deceased’s will.‘ 4 Wat A GRIMSHAW, Attorney for Heirs of Block. Pittsfield, Dec. 31, 1835,—59.49 SALE OF SCHOOL LAND. SHALL offer for sale, at public vendue, at the court house in Qnincy, Adams county, Iliiiois, on Monday, the Ist day of February, 1836, beiween the hours oF 10 o'clock A.M, and 6 o'clock P. AL. to the highest and bent bidder the following described school lands, situated in the county of Adams viz: se ion Ne. 16, township No. 3S of -of one, \wo, and three years, the ing notes with sectpity and mortgage on the jand by paying 12 per centum nerannum, my GEORGE FRAZER, School Commissorier, adams County. December 12th, 1835 —36tds e/ NOTICE. ape undersigned did, on the 7th day of November, 1855 Procure from the Judge of Probate, for the County of Pike and State of Illinois, lettera of adipinistration on the estate of James Lansdale, Inte of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are notified that we willattend the Court of Probate for said county, on the first Wonday in August next, to adjust the claims against said estate, at which time they are required to present the game, duly authenticated ELIZA LANSDALE, Adm'x. F HENRY TAYLOR, Aéni'r. Pittsfield, Nov, 30th, 1895.—35 i = Orpipe or Tun IutinargBouutr Lanny Uxorsten, “Quincy, the 6th day pfJanuary, A.D, 1836. WE, C- M. WQODS & Co. Printers and Publishers of the Inniaots Boux- tr Lan Reoisten, n weekly nets per printed and published in the town of Quiney, county of Adams, ay sfate at Ulinois, do hereby certify that the transcript, notice, and ndvertiaement to which thiscertificate is prefixed, were duly published in the aaid newspaper, on ah extra sheet, on Friday, the J4th day of Janvaty, 2. D- 1835, in the said’ town of Quincy; 'nnd that the number of auch transotipts, notices, and adVefiisements, so published at the timé and place, and in the newspaper aforesnid, filly correnyend in muimber with the whole number of Newspapers printed for that week, and that the same ‘were enclosed with, and dirtributed in single numbers with exch newspaper respece tively. ©. pe WO6bvs & COL’ STATE OF ILLINOIS, 2 gop Curnr’s Orrice, Contr Consussrox. KNOX COUN1 gsc zns’ Count, Kxox Co, Ints. ° 3 Knoxville, December 2nd, 1035. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that, in pursuance of an act ‘of the General Assembly of the state of Ulinois, entitled, an “cl concerning the Public Revenue,” approved February 27th, 1833, aud of Ue several acts of the said Gtneral Assembly to provide for raising a revenues and also in pur. Suance of an act entitled, An Act concerning Publié Roads,” approved February 4 1835, 1,Jous G Saxnvux, Clerk of the said County Commis. sioners’ Ccurt o I county will, (assisted by the sheriff 5: y.) on the first Monday in March, 1836, at the door of the court louse, in Knoxville, jn said county of Knox, proceed to sell the whole, or as much, of each tract of land, and part’of a tract, captained in the following listyand situated in the county of Henry and stale sforesaid, which said comly ig atinched to Kuox county for judicial, revemiie and other purposes, as will py the taxe est, and costs, duc and Unpaitl thereon, for state purposes vr the yews there in specified: and also the amount of tax due and unpaid tolhe county of Knox sforesaid, for Road purposes, for the year 1835, as thepin set forth, thé same havieg been returned’ to the said Clerk by the Aulitor of Public Ace counts, as q true and correct list of Jands lying in the canty of Menry of which taxes were remaining due and unpaid to the state on the first day of September, 1835, cluded the amountpf taxes due to the sail counts of Knox as aforesaid, for Road purposes, ald which were re- Maining dut and unpaid on the first day of December, in the year last afore- said ‘The sale will commence gt 11 o’clock, A. M. Aud coninue from day to day, (Sundays excepted) until completed. J .G. SANBURN| Clerk of hz County Commissioners’ Court, uke County, HI. | | i] LIST OF LANDS lying in the County of tenry and State of Itrtxo1s, on which the taxes remain due and unpaid, for the years therein set forth, vizz { PATENTEE, PRESENT OWNER, DESCMIFTIUN. Road Tax Toras | Intst & cost ry S & o < Richard Jack Isuac Brundige menry Stewart 693 w lL y4nge do 160 €38 lin 31835 2 4029 1 201 89 40291 2033S Wm Williams i \dae Liange do 24029140209 Eliphalet Brown I Abbott be he nl 4AD2O4 369 Ui phaler Brow 12) 1608S 3ygnze do 24029190399 Benj <1 Riggs We Ww Sran3e do 24¥ 491 205.49 7 P DCMcKinstry 1605 « 414n3e sea seae nats ap John MePrrtnel Gwinn & Hall 1603 w Signge do 240291203 99 Tillson Barrows Wm Hobby 1603 © Siqngze do 240291 20389 Saml Staples Jas Rundlet 160s © Bj4n3€ do 240291203 99 ‘Phos Zimmer Nathl Ewing 160 ne Ti4n3e do 440291 203 gy ames Centis ’ 1605 © Ti4n3e do 94029120399 Vm Jones 1600p w Sjqn3e do 94029120349 Noah Reed Saml Sanford 160 ne Bldn3e do 24029120389 R Jas Coley 160s w 81dn3e doo 429120399 1605 © 8 14n3¢ do 94929120389 | John Demarist Joba Thiel 160, w 9 1dr 3e dog 40291 20399 Asa Ashby 1605 w 9 ldn Se do 240291203 g9 Joseph Lunt Cole 160 yn w10 14n Ze Co 24029 1203 ¢9 Jacob Anderson William Lodwick 160s w 19 14n3¢ ‘lo 2 40291 203 g9 Jolin Wright f 160s clgl4n3e do 24029 | 203 99 William Lefever WO neqy14n3e do 24099) 20389 Uriah Hudson © Isaac C Lee 160swij 1dn3e 4 94929190349 Joseph Aiwood Rom Rigge 160s eqrian3e¢ 494929190399 William Holmes John Watts 160 nw 1214n3e 9 9 4929 1 29 3 go Robert Finch 160s wigtan3e 4624929120399 E VanBenthouson Jnol De Graf 160 n e13 14" 3 1 94999 1203.89 Gideon Aldrich’ Hez Godard 160 nwi3lan3e 4024099 1 293 39 1608 ef314"3€ 49249991 993.99 100n 14 Linde 19 2.4999 1903 99 160 n wit ldn Se 4 249291 903 99 ‘Hm Johnson Nathan Kennison Zebedee Cook jr. 1605 wid l4nge lo 240291 203 89 John T Allen William S$ CorderNathan Burrowa 160 ¢15 dn ge 492999) 993 89 Thorpdg Morgan Rom Riggs 160y wI5 14n3e 1° 24999 1 993 89 Reuben Cpe 160 ¢ @18 ldn3e 40 24029 1 203 99 James Ed 160 y w23 14n3e 4224099) 993 99 Wm Gibbs 1C0n ¢24 14n3€ 49 24099) 993 g9 M Peffinberger 1605 eM 14n3¢ 1024909) 993.59 Kendall Parce 160s 25 ldn3e 40 2 4999) 993 y9 Asa W Durker 160) 27 14n Qe d¥ 249991 293 99 David Durkee 100 w27 Ldn Se 89 2.4999 1 203 a9 Francis Graves Lasper JTard. 160 628 143 492 4999 1 29 3 go Ebenezer Kent’ Nehemh Eastman 100 w29 1dn 3e 4° 24999} 203 go Reuben Loring Ezekiel Whitman 160 n 30 14n3e 4224929 1 203 g9 Levi Blakeslee Rom Riggs Israel Luther Sam! Berrian 1G0n ¢31 1an3e 4° 249291 20389 Mary Thager &e.Elias Keys 1605 @3t lange 4 2 4999 1 093.89 Wm Burt * 160.5 w3e lan Se do 249091203 99 Standard Lewis Suduth 160'sw 115" 3e 4° 249991 203 99 160s e 1 15n3e 249091 903.00 Briant Hall 1WOsw 215n3e 4 240391203 89 Nobt Young Calvin Call 1k0sw 315n3e¢ 8 24029) 90399 1 Witherspoon Amasa Ecles 1600 G15n3e o 24029} 00399 Francis Spuell_ Stephen B Munn 1tUsw 41513 4° 249993 39'3 89 Thomas McMunn same W0se 4lsnde do 240991 203.89 James McDonald E Kelly WU se FtgmFe 4° 29591 243.99 James Van'Pelt S Nelson WON © G15N3© 19 24995420359 Alex Murphy PeterJohnson 1603 € 715"3€ 2° 2 4y 991 20390 Guernsey Childson/fastings Warren 160 pe 0 1593¢ ~°2 qyo9 1 9y 3.99 HevryT Wadleigh Wm Whitemore 160 Nw 6 15"3e 22 44951 349.56 Jacob Bartan I Seovill 1600 w B15n3e do2 yy 29 123.89 Thomas Draper I’m Whitemore 16Us e 0 15n3e 9° 2 40 99 120399 David Burlen Mtobinson Yothrs 160 n © 915u3e do4 1 291203 89 % Uomas Cheseboro! & Van Allen 1608 w 19 15%3€ 199 4459 1 oy 3 no Abraham Rose 1 CMcKinstty 160s ¢10 15"3e do9 4429 1208 89 James Bears Gwinn & Hall” yeOn ett Linde doy gy 5) 1 2)089 Wm Prichard 160m e12 L9n3e Mog A) 553 ue Asion Westcoat 1On wid 15n3e dog 4) 291203399 Charles Willis 160 nwid lin Se dog 4) 29120389 Elijah Couse UOswid lon de dog {i 29120389 James Stroud. 160 n ©1515) 3¢ 409 ae M205189: Willis Howe Jeo nw is 15n3e do gt) 29120309 Daniel Acher 1Onel7 1nIe dog ys) 120399 1G0nwi7 15n3e dog W291 203.29 Philo Slocomb John Adama 1 Packer 402 E Balkeom Andrew McIntire 160s w1715n3e dog 4029120389 Ira Willard F Jones 160n el81Sn3e do 34929120399 Ben) Whitten 1 Nelgon 10's e1B1Sn3e do Z4ue9 1 203.09 Saml Higgins i 100g 30 line do 349991203 9 Peter White Itichard Berrian 10 gw 114n4e do 240 cq1 C0339 George AnderaonJames Hein 1608 © 1 14n4e do 449 991203 99 James Marr 1603 ¢ 3lante do S4y 99120399 O Gates Ke Arba Bi 1c0sw 3lan4e do*4g991 203.09 Join Craver Jobn Sevier 414n4e do 249991 20339 David Emmory 4 l4nde do 24099) 20389 James Mor 5 l4nde do 24029; 20389 Cornelius De B14n4e do 240.291 90398 Jolin Grinder Alyan Cushman 6 idnde do 24009100989 Benj Baldwin ‘ Tlande do 240291 499399 SamlG Wright : 33 CLQUINCN, ILL. FRIDAY, JANUARY 4 \g PATASTER, = PuRSEMOWNEA, E- peseuirirox. 4 4 ‘Years Tax Due John Murphey Wm McClellan, 1008 ¢ 714n4e193 T Stevenson Ruel Barker w 914n4e do Joseph L Cobb Jos Sehofield J60 n William Chastie Wileott Hubble 160s w 914y4e@ do 4 Moses Corbin David Bentley’ 160s ¢ 914 4e¢ do Stephen WelcherJames Smith 1€0n ¢ 101446 do Sa Austin Andleton R & SB Cotton swllidnde do Robert Piper Ichabod Lucas S20n bh lt 14) 4e do Ab Cooper 1605 willdnge do John t William Ellis 1605 ell t4nd4e do 1 Mamilton Dominic McNeal 1C0n ¢ 13 !4n4 eo John Caiipbell same 160n wv 12l4nde do FrederickHerr Mhram Hav ris Whiting Backus § Aves Mc Roy Reubin US Devinell 160 n c 1314 nde do Hin 160 nw i13l4y4e@ do ichols 1604 w13 14, 4¢ do James Marden JO nW ld nge do Robert Stetson 10s wistinge do wisn Able 1005 eldldnge do Lother Dump 3 160n © to 14nge do Nuth White Geo Wilson On wl5tdnge de Stephen Ellis 1605 wI5ldy gc do Stephen France 160s €1514nge do Nicholas Greese Rom Rigga 1s cl714nge do Eleazer Webber ’ 10s c1S1dnge do n Biadley 160 ne 1Bl4nge do John Cobblemua 9206 N19 f4nde do John Wheeler + 160) 62014 nse do James Mallard 160 n w20f4nge do James Hughes i 3205 h20)4 nde do John Morgan S Ritter $n 6 Wlande do Abraham Slagg Stephed BMunn 1605 wartgnge do {udsen Core Williams & Soh 160s e2itange do Jesse G und Moores. 160n ¢22}4n4e do Benj Robert CV Adam Speck J SGitlings 1605 eQidnge do Henry Wells &c. William Trotter 166) 6231 n4e do re Aaron HBoit — Kedolphus Crane 160s David Sweegard : 160 n cI 14nde do George Ayes 160n w24ldnge do William Hutchins Elihu Atwater 160s w 4 l4n4e do Tt. Rowland ‘69s c2Mlinge do Drury Vaylor feO A 62514 n4e do AlexanderWatson Ison w25l4 nae do Hardiman Stone gos w5l4dnge do Jolin Morrison Alex Purvis l6ps €25l4nge do David bump 1 Robinson& othrs 169 n w 2614 n 4 e do ~imos Allen 32)5 h26l4nge do William Th pecea Kuriick Rob Bro Robinse| Nbrs L600 s w98ldng © do Slebprsatiew™ Jew wuhdheths* 160 283 miedo Harvey Slater WOn eM9linge do 24000190389 Aaron W Bonter 10 n wa9ldnge do 240291203 89 Villiom Wiseman 160s woalgnyge do 24099120389 John Keele o tus egalgnge do 24009120399 Henry Wallera Rufus Funnel 1€0.n ¢ 3014n4e do 24059 1203.89 | John Waddle Wm VT HMail 1605 e2gl4nyge do 24029190299) Isnne Bowers jr. On 6 3) l4n ge do 24029190389 | Joseph Beader Ben Knower 100.5 cay l4nge do 24099190380 Philip Yeaton — Karrick & Duval 160) ¢ 4914 nae do 20389 John Ward same yep nw 22!4nge do 389 John Potter Mech Bank Balt 1605 wa2l4nge do 1203.89 David Bangs 105 e92'4n4ge do 2 203 89 | Edward Dawsan 520n hagianac do John B Stropes I Van Ranselaer 1605 w 9314 n4e do Benjamin Dobbs Jucob Halsey ©’ 1608 ¢ 33 \4n4e do John Day Rufus Reed 160 n eld nde do Aealel Burgess Johnsen (FO n w 24 td nde do John Woodrsn : 10s wadl4nde do Williom Brown D Brown 1005 erglgnde do George Goodloe 160 n 95140 4¢ do Fdward Brock Rom Riggs 160, 3514 nde do 1 Xebinron Sotbrs1€0 5 63514 n4e do mg ne 10) wag ldndte do Jonathan Hudson 1605 Inde do IW Ham c C Hendrickron Stephen B Munn 1605 ¢ 3g !4n de do de do Francis Nepler John G Hawser 160 © 131 James Fegman ce 5 Williom Campian Sam] G Wright 160 s wai 15 4e do Caleb Conon Joseph Beeman 160s ¢ 2315 nde do Elisha Qonber IO nwaul5 nde do ba aan Jon Townsend 160 n w 2615 nde do Tythgaw Patter J Robinson &othrs 1€0 9 ¢ 2715 n4€ do Joseph Brackett 100 w 2715 nde do Jacob Wheeler Rom Piggs 160 n © 2815 nde do Robt Fisher TD Wadsworth 160 nw 2815.04 do Phineas NorthropJames Carlton 1605 e¢ 28)5n4e do Henry Sherey 1€0 s w3115n4e do John Nichols Joshua 7: 160 nw 3515 nde do James Christie Stephen Munn 160s w9915n4¢ do Chas C Warren Jeveminh Zussell 160s ¢ ag 15 n5e do Samuel Cay 1€0s wat ign 5e da Jin Shattuck — Vom Riggs * 10» © A415 n5e do 1Ganney Jumes Green 160 nw John steLean alias McLeen 160m 69 Robert Sergeant Richurd Smith — 1€0 nw Josiah Osburn 10s wanisn5e do Bm Hor 1€0s ©9815 n5€ do D Page, Father ke WOne Se do Benj With:m MCUs 6 8215n Se do Elisha Kimball, Charles Oakley 1001 e 3 15n5e do Tilly King TW Yates 160 nw 3315 n Se do James Francia 160s cagI5 NSE do ‘Thomas Fester 160 5 w 3315 n 5€ do Uriah Spearin Sam) Ayers 10r e1014n3¢ do ‘Thonias Graves Robert Archibald 160 ne 1814.n 3€ do Reuben Axley 160 nw 9g 14 nSC do Sigion Davia’ 1605.9 tine do Jolin Monk 160sw 5 15n3* do George S\artz 160s. ¢ 615n3E do Derick Brewer 160 nw 915 n3€ co 160sw 915n3¢ do $20 nh 10 !8n3& do . 160 rwitlon3e do John Christy 10 swt lon3e do 1605 e1t ln Se do 10s ¢ Bl y3e do S W Marston 100s e 12l4nge do Joseph Vanorden Robert Gedney 160s « 13 14 4'e do Barney Kelly, Isham Talbot 320) h 1714 nde do Pdimberluke 1) Reed 100 swi7ldnde do Robert Vailey, pn Prout = 160 yw 9114 nde do Charles Stewart me 10s w2@Qldnde do James Fletcher me 1605 © 93M nde do Taracl Gilman § W Marston 160; ¢ 26 14n4e do Thomss\Davis om Riggs 100% eaplande do John:Van Houten James Jenkina = 160 ¢ wao15 nde do Thomas Angel» Wm Prout 160 1w 3215 n4¢ do Jobin T Poilla 100 | 230 16n40 do se Abrahoin A Bart John Cooper! H.2009.028 Wm Ellis 4) 100nw 814 nde do 24029 12y3 go Roel Parker 1608 Ww BI4n4de do 24bzy say 3 2! George Aockins Burton & Forman 160 n e 914n4e¢ do Laut tu3 89 wel Castbow 160 nW1014n4e dos Ted Maury Reend. 160% e€ 1014 nde do 241 4 Paul 160s wigldnde do 10nw22t4nge do 2 Ande do 1€0s ¢{315nde do 4 BE zisze 3 222226) BRS 65: Spade" 5240201203 go 3 69 480 510250 7.57 21275 89 Bavits LAY 3 BY Zavev ys 6 eaves 205 BY 203 by zavay liv3 8) waved 12038 zdvzy L205 09 zavey Lav 3B) Zav zy Lug 89 Zav 2 Lavy 8) BAU ty 123 8) 24029 1203 89 240 29 12u3 BD 24029 1 203 89 2402912038) 24029120389 240 29 1203 89 4803) 2407 97 2au 29 1 2u3 8) 24029 1 U3 69 480 37.2407 57 2.4029 1203 89 240 29 1.203 89 24029 | 203.89 120389 1203 89 240 29 | 203.89 2du 29 1 20389 29120389 24029 1203.89 24049 1209 89 24029 1 20389} 24829 1203.89 24029 1203.89 240.29 1 203.89 24029 1203.09 24029 1 203.89 240 29 1203 89 480372407 57 240 291903 29 4 8u 372407 57 24099 1203.89 24030 1-203 89} 24029 1 203.89 | 48037240 240291202 89 24029 1 90.3 69 240 240291203 89 2425 1203 85 24029120389 2 40291203 89 240291203 99 9 3.89 4029120389 4029 1202.89 2 40.29 1203.89 24029120389 24029120389 24029120389 24029120389 0291502 89 24029120389 240291503 gf 24029 1203.90 24029 120289 240291202 no 240291903 90 24029 1 203 29 24024 1203.R0 240291202 99 3a 240291204 20 260291 20299 260291 23 a9 2.402919 309 240291503 9q 240291 9p 899 240291203 99 240291 903 gq. 21 39 29. #599 22 299979 193029 199990 19: 2 Fy 2 2 2 2 2 Se ao : a Trpiey UF TAN LiLiNoIsDOONTY LAND TeHOIst eK, y, (he 6th day of January, A. D. 1830, WB, CM, WOODS & Co. Printers and Publishers of the Intixors ous. Laxn Rrotsren, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the tov nh at uiney, county of Adams, and state of Mlinois, do hereby certity iting the ‘vanseript, notice, and ac isement to which this certificate is prefixed, were duly published in the i newspaper, 9h an extra sheet, on Briday, the 15th of January, 7. D. 10f%, in the said town of Quincy; and thatthe number of’such transcripts, notifes, and advertisements, so published at {he time and place, and in the newspaper afofesaid, fully correspond in timber with the \y4ole number of newspapers printed for that week, ai that the same were enclosed w J distributed in single numbers with each newspaper respec- ee H 62M. Woops & CO. Crnnk’s Orrion, County Cortxissi gscr uns'Counr, Furtox Co. [c1s. 1 Lewistown, December 2nd, 1835. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that, in pursuance of an sct of the General Assembly of the state of Illinois, entitled, an ct concerning the Public Revenue,” approved February 27th, 1833, and of the seversl acts of the said General Assembly to provide for raising a revenue; ond also in pure siance of an act entitled, “An Act concerning Public Roads,” approve Yebruary 3, 1835, 1, Streamyx Drawer Clerk of the said County Commis- sioners’ Court of said comity will, (assisted by: the sheriff of said county.) on thé first Monday in March, 1836, at the door of the court house, in Lewistown, in saic county of Fulton, proceed to-sll the whole, or as much of each tract » 9fland, and part of a tract, contained in the following list, and,situated in the county of Fulton and state aforesaid, as will pay the taxes, interest, and costs, due andl unpaid thereon, fogstate purposes for the yearg therein spe- cified t and also the amount of tax. ditc and unpaid: to the county of Fu Ito nforesaid, for Road purposes, far the year 1835, as therein set forty, the same having been returned to the said Clerk by the Auditor of Public Ac- onints, qs a true and correct list of lands lying in the county of Fulton xn STAVE OF ILLINOIS, FULTON COUNTY. Which’ taxes were remaining due and unpaid to the stute, on the first day of September, 1835, and in which is i ae so included the amount of taxes due to the county of Fulton as aforesaid, for Road purposes, apd which were i due and Whpaid.on the first day of December, in the year last afo} anid. ‘The sale will commence at 11 o’clook, A.M. and continue from day to Any, (Sundays excepted) until completed. 3 ' STEPHEN DEWRY, Clerk of th2 Connty Commissioners’ Court, of Fulton County, Ti. LIST OF LANDS lying in the County of Fulton and State of Iuuiwors, on which the taxes remain due and unpaid, for years therein set forth, viz: PATENTED. PRESBNT OWNER. 5 pEscniPTioN: £ i Ton w 1 dn le 18g! B 1608 w 13nle do 240 f E Cole 160n € 23nj,e¢ do 240 y Farland — Sami Wiggins 160s e 23n ,c do 240 8 Boeane riots Besty&,Mc-Vaughton 160 n w nye do 2do 8 Ezra Peterson 1093.0 -43n pede 2A0 8 John Jewell 60n bh S3nyze do 150 5 jarke A Gifford. 1605 ¢ 53nyedo240 8 1608 w S3nte do 240 & Blijah Cushman N A Mayre 160n e G3nje do 240 8 3h Jolin Bennett. Saml Sanford 160s wv 63n1e¢ do 8 et Josiah W Wiggins Tho Pius 1608 e 63n{e do B a Hewry Virgin 1602 ¢ 73n je do 8 e John tarvey —- N Draper 160s e 73n {edo at David Drane 160n e 83n te do 8 at James Kent Mech Bank Balt 160nw 83n e do 8 2 Goe White 1608 w 83nLe do 8 Pil Jas Ward John Lamb 160s ¢ a3 nile do aR a Israel Green Bn e 93nle mez gorda C Barnard 160nw 93n,6 8 21s Simon P Hoffman “same 160s w g3nie 8 21 Jolin Young DI Boyd 4o0n ey; 3nle 8 cal Walker Mase 160s ey23nie B al Tho Collis R Riggs 160M €435n ,¢ 8 Qt , John Flood Sis S$ Smith 1605 © \35n1¢ B w Patrick Redmond J Ranb 160) W yy 3nre 8 21 Jas Dougherty Monson & Sanford 160.3 w 443 pl © a a Timothy Barnard W James 1608 €jeanle 8 Al Yohn Kemplia W Conit Jas Kidson Moses Brown Jas Rundlet John Wewer Monson &Sanford yey n € Hays Falkenbury Rob Cook 1608 Wg93n1e Dant Mathewson Tho R Brown 1608 €Q93n1¢ John Moon Jacob Halsey 1601 € 9331 & Charles L Peele Bls w233n1e Sohn Fitzgerrald 1605 eQ33n ,€ ‘Wm Israel 160n Coygnte & B Levett 1605 €338nle Kanson Calf 1605 ea53nle Hiram Buckanan D McNeil pt. 55n eog3nle dolin Findley . CN Boughton 160n wog3nle Yohn Peace E Hawley 1605 eog3nice *> lex Thompson se 5 160s w343nte _ Yehn Taompson 160s cay3nle § ami Porter 160s €353nle Jo ba Dare 1608 Wg53nle Da t digClammy 1608 W gg3n le Cushman. © McKinstry SB Munn M Bruen Saml lernny Dan.' Charter Z Cook jr 1608 VW yante Saml Pettis ST Armstrong 1608 © y4nte CBs ingrews Robt Temple 100n € ganle Mose 8 Clough ‘same 160" W g4nte Pete p Meirs Alexr Purvis us ¢ g4nle WC shal M Child WON Ee Zgnle Lev ig Simmons James S Wan 160" Ww 34nLle Fre _ncis Clark ee 1608 W 34nle Ch arles Postons Edward Giddiogs 160n € 4anle Tl States s i 160nw g4nle Jee 'Vhompson John Paine ine 54nje John McDowell Joshu field 160nw 54n1e ] ugh Shepard Mathias Bruen J eso Ballentine Riggs (iW Briten Jasper Hard Able Buel S- Moorhouse \¥m Jenkins Jiistus Morris S Clark Danl Smith W Johnson. V Klariskia Joshua Wheeler W Norton R Lamborton ‘Thos Molin Z Mayhew John O'Neal eco? Baker James Stanton | EL Phoips George FT sick John Pette ngill Richd Smith Faward eyin , J Rober, E Homles 160n € 1O4nLe LounwW lOgnLe 1605 Widgnle 1608 cipanic 160n eqpante 1608 Wij4nle 160s €yp4nte 1605 Wi24nle 160s ¢ 124n.e 100nwWi34n te 160n €lddnic 160nWl4gnte 16dn © lo4nte 160n W154n1e 160s w1I54nle 160s ¢ l5dnle 160s ¢ l74nle 160n e24ntle 10n e2l4yte 160nw2lante 160s W2l4nie 160 n w 22 Jas Latterlee Jos Tomlinson Dericksoi & Bell IW Edzionils Jno H Morton Jolin Forshee James Huse Alvine Cushmaa DADAM OSRAD OH OAND BOSOM AMEDD WO QODA MD MAM ANDMDHOMNAMEEhOAAE OE Abr’ jam LoguireM Bruen Jinn Hensley... Parker Patrick Burnes John Farvin Jos Levane Mathew Long Thomas Potter Thomas Akins Ios Foss Wintrop French Nathl Cook Richard Clark Jno Carragan John Carter aml Emmerson Peter O Conner W Heath Jonathan, Henry yr Edwik Obamplain John Lassiter 1M Mutledge Gornelius Curlin * Thos Jefferies , Peter Body Obadiah Aull Robt Leckie Fli Cross | 460 ne |155n © 315 2 Ss : ¢ do, {605 w334nte do 24 160n el75nle do 240 12021 12020 12021 a 12021 121 12021 1201 1291 1221 120.91 12021 11891 12001 1608 ¢ 305n1e dog nle do PAD DD SHR OneOeMmr ma onnanana " George Blaney D 0 8 1202 Nathan, Hull fe 1605 w 365u1e¢ do x0 1303 w Richardson 160s ¢ 365n1e do 240 6 12021 Gob HI Dayis 1OOn Ww 56 Le do 240 9 120391 [LEEINOIS BOUNTY LAND R PATENTER. PRESENT oWNBiy B) Desaitrriox 9S Ac an DISCIIPTiOY, Nooh Poster Alvine Cyshaiy Farthy Spencer Jas S Smith, | Edward Winslow. ‘ Jacob Smith Uhomas Boyd i hraimtibbettsSaml Elkins | olomon Randall 1 Terael 'Vaylor William Irwin W D Richardson George Miller R&L Bowne Saml G Wright Hi Howland Peter Mossey Thomas Hooper Joseph Shehorn Amos Carr John Beckins ‘Thomas Asher Bela Young: Saml Brigha John Deland W D Vinal W Reynolds John Miller J Drunkwater George Walten Wn\Linderman John M Dale wel Neale Leanord Holcomb James Wilson © WKarthouse Blijsh Sawyer — Davig surrit Francis Fortune | Jacob Much WDewell John D Holmes Benj Gilbert thomas King same) Aikin Moses Ravd TD Abbott Barnabas Varelay Rich¢ Berrian Jchn Vanderbick George ‘Taylor Win James SB Munn Joel Vickers Jaber Hall! Riggs ¢ Jacob Graffin 1G Nancreda Zebedee Cook jr The Proper zerejial Eyarts 2 C toll gas aindlet —p) Dugdd Cameron n Thos McCurda Kartek & Duval Alis Horn John Lovjoy AE Cogswell W Whitley Blijah Godfrey Wm Pease Jeremiah Ireland Danl Hobt Cook, Mat Be Bruen Dayton M Hint OSL IVyNis : Jas McBride Enoch Hoyt Ozias Osborne, Jolin Wood John Kinney Saml Mills G Me Cormack WP Mardwicl zonas Wade E P Kennedy SB Munn Alex Pari TB Thos Nicholson Joha.d ~ Jobn Bi Francis Hixxins sami Jones. Abegnine Adams Elisha alkins David Cain James It Barney John Colvin LU Kee Stephen Bigelow M Hunt Joho Bernard S B Munn Wheres R Bunoell Rufns Reed Suml G Wright games Berrian Danl Smith Riché Berrian John Behanning Chas Broer James Holmes 30s Edwards James Rogers Shater zolin Walsh “Mathias Bruen J Halsey Noyes Mann R George Fash Sam! Farnham Jos H Poor Patrick Waters George Reiley W Redman John Bramble John Bell ohn Walsh Mary Whittmore zos Beiman Timothy Walker W Goodhue Simon Borth ElizabethWalker sesse Blocker Robt Jones R Robertson John Cochran Knox Moldemand Isace Dempsey Samil Berrian, A Fisher Mosby Marbut I Hedges David Ellis John Cross Saml James Avery Elisha B Green id D Carmichael DD Waters zohp H Bond Riohard Berrian Saml Bernas. Garnel Denn|s Joseph Pierce 1 Pierce E Randolph John G Houser Peter Randall _ same George White I Robinson ct al D LBoya T Robinson et al vB Wh Thos Newhal Johnson Chase Jolin Jewell Zopher Roberts Wm Seymour, Guion e& ail JaniesLovingston I A Martin j cw Mitchell aio John Davis ‘ Jame Border James Lampson | W Buswell i TA Spencer. | Manson Conley 1 Cnmstock Anthony Chine Richd errian Hagh MeDutter | W Kemp | JonathanRichards N Eastman Abraham Philips = ee Chas Cortwrite EM Maddan W taylor! John Libby hite H N .4 Ieapwell Saml Montgomery - }ame seremibh Goodwin W Gibbs vel Chandler Ciua W Sawyer { Uhos Woodley } James Welvin W Gullen Dili Sawyer Sail Parka James Darney Asi Fisher Sam! Thompson P L Calbath Karrickk Duval AS-Campbell — EK ylloj obt McClosky I a’eOnnell NP. Champney eee Rol Smith W. Comwell ‘Thos Peace Davidl/Phompson NR ihswell 160n E18 Gg nyc 100n e19Gnyec 160nwWGEnye 100 WWEnpe 160n €30gn 6 1608 Wb gn Le 160nW lLonic 1603 W l7n pe 1600W 2enye 1008 W 27n1e Hewy Depew — James Brown M008 © Zante John Stewart | won e 34nt¢ William Lake WOnW 38716 Joshua Rogers Henry C Myers 1605 W 37 nLe Prederick Wood SL & TF Jfunt 160s ¢ 37nfe Charles Church ptigds © 4d7nte Jacob Rurkes Saml G Wright” 260n ¢ O7n le Andvew Clifford SB Munn 10nw ©7n1e 160s w 57nJo 1605 ¢ °7nye 160nc S7n 16 160ne¢ 77n1e 1605 © 77n1e 3208 h O87n1e One I7n1e 1nw 97nLle 1003 ¢ YInte 160n el07nle 60n W107 HIG 160s w1l07nle 1694 cl07nle 1Onwls7nle 160s wl57nle 160n e177 3208 WL 160n e187nle 160n e197 le 1608 c197MLe 1607 eCQ07H Le 160n wQu7nle 1605 ww7nle 160n egiznie 160n wat 7nie 1005 wop7nle 1608 e27nle 160n w 1605 w 1602 ¢ £129 nw 160.5 w 169n 1160 n w 1605 w 1605 ¢ 169n 95 160 5 w a9 160s e3a/ 160 n wo) 1M 160.nwer 160" cok 160, ¢ 160 nwio3 60s wig 3n2 160n e113 n2 1605 e113 n2 1600p © 123 ,2 605 w493 1605 c28n2e 160 © 133 n2 169n w133 o cy © 1603 wi73n5 160s eq73nz6 160n ean3n nw203nr6¢ 160s w213n5e 160s e21ange 320 w h2B3nze 160n e294 ze 160n, w293nge 160s w293ng¢ 160s ¢ 313n9e 1600 ¢ 82ange 160 n W323 ng 160n w 160n w 160n e 1600 w 1603 w 1605 © 1605 w 1605 w 1605 ¢ 160) ¢ L605 w 1305 6 160n e 160nw 1605 w T4ngQe Binge 84nde 94n2e 10dnge 6 104n2e 1605 c104n2e 160n cil4n2e 16)nwildnee 160n eC 124nee 189n W 1242 160s W124 12 ¢ 160n ¢ 13 4n2e 1Onw 13402 160n w 144n Ze 1605 € MgnZe 1608 €154n2¢ 1609.W 154n2e 1600 € 17d Qe IG nw iTd ne 1695 W174n Qe Ws Cl7sn2e 1698 cig4n2e 1600 © 4g 4 1600 Ww o94026 160 €234n2e Inge su20 Ane 1608 15601 eiisoDav > do 240 lo 2.40: g lo 2 40h t do 240 oe do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240, do 240 do 240 do 240 do 130 do 240 Sr mensnamaes eram ese 81 2a do 240 do 480 16 24y 21 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 BL 2val do 240. do 240 do 240 do 240 do 194 do 240 do 24) do 240 do 240 do s 812091 Bi 209) 81 20a1 eer do (021 do 249 812091 do 240 812021 beceee 8120291 812)21 812021 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do, 240 do 240 do 240 do ) do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240) do 240, do 240 do 240 do 240 8] do 480 15 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 do 240 2 4021 812021 812021 do 48016940 21 do 240 do 2.45 do O40 do 240 do 940 do 240 do 240 dlo.240 do 240 do 24) do 940 do 24 do 240 do 240 do 9.49 do 240 doa4o do 240g lo'940" 8 do240 8 do240 8 8 8 u 81902) 81 209) 221 2021 2021 20.21 2094 1209) 1209) 1.202, 12921 No 940 94 too Ot W340 BY do 940 81 2021 20 21 2021 2021 George Flood Thos Bowen John Belov Chus Daniels | hosiah Loflin John Elbroth Elijah Wiliams. ue am Stout Fred Alsprough r Bric saz R Mo names Murphey W Hight Timothy Burden Nathan Cosson SD Vreeligh John H Goon Sum Tubbs games obins gohn Em AD Gardner A Georghegan Amos Allen W Cr Ubenezer Had) goshua Turner George Abbot Milo Palmer Saml Patterson Elias Goddard Nich De \gohn gackson D Doty gohn Dils Henry Smith Robert Perntt Shend Brett E Swee Moses Me Carter gohn Peirce | W Wingfield Richard Deva Rynur Woc Robert Prskine John Badgewn | Du Mellon Wa Nash Philip. Burr | Oliver Sullenger Isaac Colston James Lampher Thomas Gui Nathan Be; | A Deokw: \ John Seth Kevs | James Greenleaf John Kilbourn John Killey Pustley A F Wagner JacolsTivis Gideon Brumen Robert Craig Aaron C Solomon Furrel Pau? Nale jr Thomas Nevit Richard Bray zekiel Loveland a Moe new Walker Stephen P Lewis Mangus Jonathan Nichols alisha Demming Jolin Brook Robert Bu er Wm Mulholland games Alversar David Spence Anthony Naugh gohn Murray Adw Lon, Pani McC\ gohn Ross Wm Davis 2d Wm Ac! I'm Sultz sohn nenderson Sylvanus Currier E P Woodbury Dan Sullivan ‘Timothy Day Wm Potter Thomas Nutting Dan! Goodale Reuben Ward Danl Case Him nll Francis natch Benj Morton Chas Crawlord Robert Willey Ovid French yohn M French 5 MeNeit Thomas Aaron Shin Allen x Cunningham Edward Pottle Saml Anderson Miles S Wilson SN Van Patten zohin Valmage Fred Mebner HWaterhouse games Hadley W Bare Sarl Craig Joshua Wi Nay Heirs ofA Bogart dames Beatty Part Bitte Henry Mitchell Cornelius Nye Ebenezer Place john Sanders Urban Phelps Saml Swindle W Ray- Danl Eame PeterBrunner games M Lockhart hepherd a Dann Gettings John Bun John Reaves 1c Mc Conhe SB Munn Robt Licki David Kruts Dayid Kurtz AS Parsons DI Boyd Wm James F Jones Gwinn & Wall W Kelsey Thompzon I Wheeler TP AMitchelk PY T Reynolds Dennis Marsh Geor Ifull B Trueman Aaron Waller Sam) Berrian Nathan HornesMcDonald & Ridgley 160 n Geor Little (23) David Moore Zadoc Stephens Arthur Breese John Walsiv LU Arnold Munn & Gray Alvine Cushmsa Charles Wilks Amos Scudder Oliver Ranson ml Shannon TE Retrough R&S Brown ‘E Brightman rlemanR C Anderson Charles Feynolds Isnac Wait Gwinn & fall David Thomas mathias Rraen John Hill neterL Ackerman T eCarty Osney Steel Tl Howland IR Butts CB Ring Daniel Tifft John Lamb Tienry Long Patrick McDonnell obt Cook aboughJfenry Wyand Saml Smith> Ivester BaldwinDuly Palmer George Simpson Saml Russel SB muon ‘Vho Prosser Wm Smith B & Pieace Ben Shurtlift same John Hickerson i E Te S Wood S Bunn Jno Lamb SB xunn Jonathan Hudson miles & cumer Geo Howland W S chapman Rundlet Ben Shurthift same Saml Wiggins Pel DeAnglis S erman Swift Gwin & Mall JV K Armst AH Mybbard Shawn GLobdard 160 s TL Kelnqugh same Danl Raynionds Richard smith Bartlett ‘en shuntif® same Jolin Bure 160n w254n2e 54An2e W4n®e 1608 w 160 n. 4n 2 160.5 160s 160» 160.8 w 160 n © 160 nw 160 5 10's € 100s ¢ 1605 1605 ¢ 1605 w 1605 € 160n e 1605 © 160.3 w 1600 © 1605 ¢ 160 e TCO nw 105 160 n 160n 160s 160n 1600 160s 160n 160 n 1608 160n e 1605 1605 100n 1608 14n2e 36.4n2e ne n2e 1608 100.8 i608 1608 1608 160" ¢ 160" 16 3200. +608 160s 1607 ¢ 1605 160" 160% 1607 © 3 1605 32un 16us 160s 1605 1603, 160s 1608 160 1609 1608 1608 160" 1608 1605 © 160 W 160 nw 1603 Ig0n ¢ 160s © 160. w 160s w 160s w 160n ¢ 1608 ¢ 160 e 160n e 116n2e 126n2e I36n2e 36n2e I46n2e MW 6n2e 156n2e 156n2e i7enze w6nze 18 6n2e 196n2e 206 Qe 160n Qe 160s w206n2e 1605 e206n2e 1608 1600 € 1608 160 § 1608 1608 i607 160) q 160% 160” 1508 1605 1601} © 160} 3204 6n5 30 8n ge leo 1695 1608 160" 320s 1600 1600 160 5 160n ¢ 1605 160 160n 1605 160) 160s 160n ¢ 160 n 1600 3205 160n, 1Ws 0s 160s 160." 160 © 160 1608 480162 4021 240° 812021 240 812021 240 &199a1 240 81209) 240 812028 240 812021 240 81202b 240 612021 249 812021 240 240, 240 240 240 240 240 240 8120210 #12021 ” 812021 812091 87,2021 geet Seer BRE 2021 812091 240 RL a9¢ 420 18240 3 240 slog, 8lenar 240 240 240 240 240 240 eee PATENTEE. PRESENT OWNER. ‘Thos Blanch Danl King E Dunsmire DESEHIPTION fo Acres TON e197 n Fe 1835: y7Tnge John Galtaher McDonald & Ridgley 160s w257n2e JW Essex , Sam Liskemp Zook jr John Laton ‘Thos curtes Sam Darell James Johnson SB Munn Wm P Runyan 1 P Lyons Josliua Low Joshua Corlton Geor Gideons John Fisher Thos Harrison James Haskell Alvin cushman L McHuniley : L Harborough Wm Poster C Henry same Lewis Pitcher I Robinson et al John Nash James Henning Danl Monwe § Carpenter GO Bryne John Watts Chas Borfler IE Drewry Joshua McNight F ‘Tabbalts P Criggins n Howland Peter Taylor Robt Robertson John Jordafine Luke Mezzeck BG Orr © Van Tassel Reuben Hughes S Wood Ben Vermillion | ech Bank Baltimore 160 n w David Carl Hez Peek R Taylor Saml Wiggins Alva Hill Tsaac Adriance Gideon I Martin A McDonale Ben Barley W Lewis Saml Allen W Keanedy SB Munn James West Wm Bishop IR Restine Guinn & wall John Van Ness 1olmes Richard Payne E Hubbard W Ellis Saml o Allen John Moore James Murphy Wm Jobs W Sheane I Robnson et al Frances R Moss cornelius Bedell Jonah Ballard John Vownsend John Oakley Thos Burk Guinn & nall Geor Reed M Myers Danl Stickney Friend Adams David Carry John Brooks Simeon Block jr Saml Foster Wm Douglass Seymor Walcott A Lawrence C C Townner A Langworthy John Alfred same Aaron Devanty Andrew Banks Thos Love Wm Johnson John Powers N Wallis I Moulton Edward Marsh WN Eastman Geo Brown John Mullet Jas Osborne LewisRiggins | A McPhial W Hatson W G Bradford Sam Ritch Thos Pitts Sarah Prahl H Trumball Ino Going Philip Johnson Wm James Arthur Bennett L Eventt G Lapeyrown Jacob Smith nugh Alexander John Demott Richd Berrian Grant Cbrisli Levi Bebee John G Mozart BL Nove M Morris Gwinn & nall Caleb Hotten Alvin coshman Enoch Jones nu Recoutler John W Morrill John nancick Andrew Wilson o W Rathouse Betsy Anderson Wm Fox John Viclory Wm Cuddy Wm Parker James Ray » M Bruen Isaac Smith M Marcellus ITE Walch Robt I Craig DS Puston Moves Daves John Bodgley SB Munn JamesHam . SG Wright Ben Desmikis SB Monn John Bitchman Richd Berrian C Beckworth Bank U } Peter Elsworth o D Williams Obadiah Colly 4M Morfit David Emmerson Saml Wigeins Alexr Wills Edwd Giddings Robt Fowler R Riggs Caleb P Flint Nath Bownell Silas condeet Mordecai Evans David cotheal Danl Ward SB Munn Alex Johnson Horace Jones Adam Showers Jobn Brown Loring Adams 1 # Townsend Gedeon Philbuck Ira uendick 235 pts 3 Ichabod Wheeler ° SolomonRichards D Tyler Ben Brown i Henry Lite t James Green JonathanDowning cary Selden John Munroe jr + 4opts ¢ ion e124nSe 124n3e 124n8e 1s4n50 18 4uSe icon w184n3e 16) ©204n3c 160n w204n3e Enock Plummer ¥ numphreys Josiah Pierce Waleott nubble Duke Allen ‘Thomas Hampton Wo clark ‘Abbert clarke Roswell Hall Ko Kemberiecy Zach Gross jr $ John F Madder 160 pn w 198 169n e208n2¢ 160 n w20 Sn2e y7n2e )7n2e 317n2¢ 317n2e 160n cS27n2e leon eS67n2€ 36 7n20¢ 160s e367n2e 1enge ITsnee yene2e 160s ec 3RNQE 160s w 3an2e ganze 58n2 7gnge sgnee 160n w 88nle o8nee T60 nw 10 8n2€ el2Sn e139 8n2e 160 nw 15 8n2e 169n w17 8n2& 160s w178n2e one Osnze 160s wo18n2€ 160n w 23 8n2e 160s wos 8n2e 48n2€ 160n w 24 8n2¢ 160s w2t8n2e 160s e248n2° 58n2e 160s w27 8n2e e278n e238 8n2e 160n w 28 8n2e 160s w2s 8n2e 98n2e )8n2e 30 8n2e 160n w31 8n2e 3205 431 8n2e 28nge 38nae es3hnoe 160s wS48nce 160n wS48n2e 160s ¢368n2e 43n3e 43n3e 53n3e 53n3e e 63n3e 63n3e lgos € 63n3e 73n3e 73n3e 73n3e T3n3e 83n3e 83nSe 83n3e 1gon e 93n3e 93n3e 93n3e 1600 W 1753n3e 1608 W173n3e leon WI83n3e 1608 €183nSe 1608 WI8S5n3¢ 160nw193n3e e193n3e 203n3e 30 3n3e 303n3e s03n3e 14n3e 14n3e 14n38e 24n3e 24n3e 24n3e 24n3e S4nse S4n3e S4n3e Aa4anse Adnge 44n3e 54n3e 54n3e b4n3e T4n3e 94n3e 94n3e 94AnSe 160n w Jodn3e 160s wlo4nse 160s ¢ 104n3e 4u3se 10nwll4anse Mi Ange 4n3e PNOLS ‘Lax Due | Years do do do do Zn © W Gaines W Burham re Golf ¢ Gilehell low Joho Stanley | Benj Broum W Green Jacob cooke Henry G Jolin actor Tw Knipe w wilkinson Fan Tho worand s Garimon Levi aun hiram nyde ancob miller Eli Ln atkins waones w Brown nenry cook 2001]? Kanon ennnnannanwnnans © 9 QO 2 © Sa as 6SE6S55659965656 oe OV MOVYYHVUNUE NN MYDNEWWUE oa do do do do do do do do do do do we Syerens} Sosaecs 2 ro do do do do do do do do do do N Enalh ohn, 09 1-| David Dolo olin wooster sams Foster | Nathan Dobson jzames Amos zohn Dodge | charles Gangal | Parnetia Ross | Gad cooley john ueart shin House | Benj smith sam] Brownley diners B Munn | James saleney | Camp N G: orp 21 | John severs | w dlverd 2021 | Jos satter | Porter walker tin curtis John Bennet GS Ma w smith Asn Lane Ben wilson Ben Dunn Geor Allen Ben Elms Joho smith B Thomb w Dews David VY Brooks Z Northrop Jos W John Hill W Patten HF Patton E MSmith Danl Lary WB Wm Ack Nathl Mesen John Strong John Puen Alex Purley Dan! Faller Jesse Fox Richad Nellum Blihu Riddle Able Camp Tm Jones lames Wills | Vatrick Kahill BOUNAY pATRNTEE. PEESENC OWNETL ————— 1 Robinson et al Ilenry Learnell John Guthrie jr Richard Powers Jolin BVhomas sich Dousmait Fe ee Latta ore 2) 91, | Istnel cokerian Simeon Pancost gohn Palmer dy 480162 4) 21 100 n © 29.425 PATENTED, PILESEMY OWNER, oH 2 feed 5 praempiron. 7 3 55, < LOS ges a Sh Danl Brown John Allenrey “1H Bennet Eli Abel Fellows FU & J Palmer Josish Dunliam wm Mappeck Sin! Sanford * MDousman waller Parcels. = Wm ‘I Nabb Tull JL ijadson A McKee uuigh sastin R Sparks John copeman” Smith Gormand Ww Connick Berrian & Munn John Meching spaftord Hall 10 5 @ 3040 100 Swain 3 Jumes Higgins 1 Robinson et al Libbeus coleman 100 8 W 3240 Ben Shurtlif ddaugh O' Briaa Richard Green Henry Depew Geolswager 10 n e334 y + s i 21 | JEmmerson Kar 1 29 21) N Bigelo 100 yw 34473 A 3 ) 31 | John BesoeN Austin sh g03 exa7n3e Frederick Luft Lodwick Miller aa a Parson zohn Russell John Crawford c Nathan winer Danl nenduckson R a B Peterson David Jdyres 160 sw 10523 160s eyg5ng 180 nw yp snd James Rundlet 160 5 w 12523 chatham carter McDonald & Ridgely 190 sc 1 A lexr Neef x achollenby Thomas Nixon 160 swld5nye 74 pts cldan t 0 21 | Bij yay) Wwew 120 21 | Jos Tutte cM Caskan 160 n 619530 1605 ¢ 19573 160 n c205ng 160 nw20on 160 5 w 20514 Aaron Waller 1D Wadsyorth P WT Sheneck Valentine Harlow iffere Jeremiah Barker John Lergant an PacscottHenry Morfit 160 nw 33573 3e0 Simpsér Soe 160% wig Bin | 160 N-e34 57) 120° 21 | Wm P: w Thompson | David Donnell 120-21) AR bn Lakeman Bernard Dodge uector Brownson Gurdon Gallup Joshua Lhornton W Morrison 8120 21) Wm Buibeck rdy Leonard Thomas Knight Joshua Edwards N southwick E Humphreys 5 : sc 16136 Edward Savage Ambrose Hall Alex Thompson Ren Shurtliff chas xc llroy Edward Dean 1A norton jr Karrick & Duvall 80 pt ne 463, 160 s c146n3, 160 n ¢156n3, 145 pt nw 15603, 160 5 €15673¢ ano memahon Valentine Hacfucr 158 pt ne 176136 160 sw 17673 80s e17En3e 0s c18G6u3¢ 160 n © 1960360 h 145 Pts v 306u3¢ y 160) n eWMGn3— 160) nw 2Gn36 160 5 w2l6n3¢ 16g s eM On 160 ne 226n3_¢ Danl scKoy noratio Crosson Elizibeth warren ee | WmiDonell Charles Pike | Heney McCloud W Thorn Richard Dunn rgan games ‘Taylor Increase Chaffin : F, Humphries Awron Elliswort Judson ‘Tyler David Bagley Saml Stevens Jacob Welban, 10 5 w226n3, 20") y e2BOn3Z, W 1 Fisher 160 6 w29Gn3¢ Geo W Jones Zebedee Cook jr 162 Joshua Cornish Ted, David Simpson 10005 ¢250.03¢ Solomon Cook Abner Blanding Zeucman Stafford W PP AMskins ce Gwina & Hah 2 swi76n3e 160 5 c276nhe TRobinson et at 100 78 60 s cB n3e 1 u John Budford r Thos Welsh je Wn B Tempest 6 WO DW ROnZ 10 g Bons. 160 5 cBGnge 160) oh Gn3e 10 pwHOn3e 160 5" eX 6n30 Inomussey jr John Springhield Levi Bates caldwell Hanson. Jolin D Abbott 160 g ed 6n3e 160 5 w36nge NIE Walworth hl Andrews A P Nanwaggoner John # Clark 1929 Gibson Kimball den Wetherall Thomas Smith James Uaviley 2 S8ssess Leond Jayvis (B12 19110 wD 191919 19 1.20 21, | David © Diidgeon 1.20 21 | charle Geo milviger McDonald & Ridgley1c0 5 e Tales I Foote | Mark Davis 3120 24 | Geo Brown Jonathan Brooks 120 24 | Samlu Buswell John Copeland Jos Ai | Peter wilhelm 90 21 |Richd cooley |ct white nson Robinson 2190 21 | Wm Holledy Warren Dodge 120 91 | win Lewis [op at | PDebenport 21 | charles Goodwin 0 21 | Yohn Davis A Blanding }w whilton Jesse Mott 1 | Jonah Wood Wm Morrison 1] Geo Shoftsiall John © 1 | Jonah Mitcheock: John Brooks 21} John Jones incy DI Chambers M Crane ham Edw Giddings John @ Ross NA Havens ‘James Gladdings Alex Purvis 16 ck & Buval 39 Seymour Kellogg 3203 h’ | Thos Bullock Monson & SanfordiG0n © 973 ¢ 1835240 8120 HOW 9ingZe do 24 Bizv 1608 W 97n30 do 24U Bizzy 1608 ¢ YIn3e do Av B12) AU. B.A Zu 21 10nw 117"3e do 240 Sixx 16Qs wi1773e to zAv biz 160s el17n3e do 240 Yi wt 100n ¢ 127H3e do 240 §4 4U ZL 1605 W 197%3e do 1€0n wiz7nge do z4au 160nwid7n3e do.2s0 1608 w 1a7n3e do 2AO 1605 el47n3e do 240 160n ¢157n3e do 240 160nw157n3e do 240 1608 e157n3e do 2AV. 1608 w17773e do 240 160n ¢ 187n3.c do 240 W7nZe co 240 1c0" ¢% 1608 W do s08 €4 do 240 20nh237n3e do 480 160s w287n3e do 240 160nw247n3e do 240 do L320 1Gn We 7n3e do 240 160s W2b7n3e¢ do 240 1d0's e267uZe do 240 1€0n e2i7nge to 240 1C0n w277n Ze do 240 & 877 W0s e297n3e do 240 160n eA07n3e do 240 1605 ¢ 307n3e¢ do 240 160 ¢ 87n3e do 240 160n e do 240 1L0.n w do 240 1005 © do 240 160 nw 3 3e do 940 160s ¢% do 240 ids 24036 do 249 1é0nw 3 160s w 38n3e do 240 160s e 38r3e do 940 mes VeAuiey W&vWGwinn&coi(ds w 48n3e do 240 Lj Le Kembull L Baler BV Traine S Wiggins oF yford S Pryor Sam Spots L | Wm oorey |Saml Zemphilt Saml Spotts 21 | Robt Shaw Richardsen T Robinson et al 1 Coleman Riz’ | Warren Gates |.Wm Wilsen M Bruen | Sam] Marten Kichd Berrian ‘o Lusher. Wm Whesle Vanl Wiliams ny} 3 Edward Cox 81 20 21) John Eaton WV Morrison Peter Henson — M Bruen rick John niller Jed Eliingwood | John Baker M xyes Geo Gundrum, John Lyons Ben Shurth® DI Boyd E Humphreys D Geo Lite Robt Robertson Robt Archer Isaiah sassey Dan! Mor Richd V i Garnt Egbert John-L Willard EB W Raymond ‘Thos Prosser Albarn Perkins Josi ly Kean John Lamb T BTanhersley Abrm Penquite John T Racy Jolin Robbins A Wright Thos Robinson John:Condet . Job Stephenson Robt MeKelvain DC 2obinson James Gobby James McLaws Chiles Samuel ‘UR Brone Venas Jones § Bunn Thos Camn Nehemish SI W R Dornelt Patrigk McGrady SamlH Steel §S Isage Benham Vhos Dooley Patrick xin ngs K Bunnell teu Welford .Haggin® C Vauz 24H Day Pe SB Afann 190 2 | Peter Hogle same Wm McPherson Lond Jarvis Nathan Porter Nicholas & Test. Daniel McBeth Seth hineas Whitney SB Munn’ ios Cloutman c Young Alex ‘Thompson Agron Corbett M PX Crowley 1 $ Mitchell Jos Caston Ben ShurtifE SB Mann Jonathan Kimball Reuben Jackson Wm Bull damesJickson Anda xcDowell UH Spunger IW Brewster Jos Henderson — Josiah Brick ~ Edward Coriing 1G Tracy Benj Roberts StephenMeckham Cyrus Zredwell $B augn Mich Clarke x Byugn 2 C Prothingbam Jeremialr Nelson S Alsaver Josinb, Scovel Seth’ Mansur © S$ Binunn Jucob Horn L. same dw Ferguson pttad p It Wm Whittemore ams | Joel Moulton Wm Waddinghaml60y ¢ 4gr4e do 1805. 76n4¢e do $ Davis Karthouse & Halfner160 5 wy 160 plishs « 58n3e¢ do 180 lisw 68n3e do 240 160s ¢ g8nde do 2AU 160me 7873e do 940 160ne WAnZe do o40 1Onwl0Sx3e do o40 1608s e108n3e 20940 W0nell8n3e do o40 160nwil8r3e doo40 160s w118x3¢ do 240 ard Wallack 1605 ¢€118"3e do 240 Karthouse & Harfner j60nw 148%3e lo 240 160s vw 14823 do 240 320n h1g8u3se do 240 1605 ¢ 158n3e 4 160s ¢ 198 x3¢e ao 240 1605w 2 8nZe do 24) u3e do 240 160n wa28u3e do 240 160n wQ38n3e de 160s w a38n3e do 24 1605 ¢ 248n3¢@ do 240 160n wa58w3e do 240 160 egg8u3e do 240 160), wag 8n2Se W240 1605 26 8n3e do 1605 ¢ do 1C0s w978n3e do 240 1605 wog8n3e do 240 160) ¢a98n3e do 240 160 w298n3e— do 240 T605 ¢ 31823 e, do 240 160 1, aah gh ste dg 240 160 w328ude do 240 160 wag8n3e do 240 160 ne 4y8u3e do 240 160 ne jomte do ao Bs yw gonte to 24 sw 3 c eau 100s yw g5nde do 240 1603 ¢ g5n4de do 240 160n.¢ 55u4e Mo 240 10nw g5ude do 240 160n ¢ g5nde do 240 1005 e g5ude do 1603 @gsmde do 2 10 nw ygsnde do 240 160y o} 160, 20574e do 290 LO Ay L6ute Mo 240 pudOn e gt do, 50 doe 160 donde do 240 160), ¢ q6ute dy.240 160, gonad e 60 lo. 240 1505 ¢ GGnde do. >49 1G0.y 86n4de do 10 nw 96uge 160,,G140n4e do 2 160ne156n4e do 240 1605 ¢156n4e do 240 160;,¢176n4e¢ do 20 160y¢186n4e do? 160 ye 2386n4e do 25¥ 160 nw 26nd e do 240 4 1Os\y23 nde do 240 1605.¢93n4e do 240 Isaiah Brown Karrick& Duvall pt 8054 246n4e do 120 Thos Crawford same pt 805\o 24 nde do 120 100 0 256nde do. 240 160 nw 256"4e do 240 16056 256n4¢ do 240 160 ye 2668 te “do 240 160nw26624e do 240 JE0 sw 276ude do 240 160 6 276n4e do 240 60 ne286n4e do 240 eo NS oognde do 240 160s\e286n4e do 240 1601, ¢296ude do 240 TE w296n4e da 240 W601 edlGnde do 240 160s e86n4de do 240 re ‘is 56 3 99 19k Seee2 940 8 ILLINOIS BOUNTY LAND REGISTER, oo — = = — — S = —— ——— —— ‘e rp = 4 ¢ 4g y | State ef Mlinois, PATENTEL. PRESENTOWNER. 5 orgerietioxn § ions PaTeNtke, YKXSEXTOWNEN, » prscnirtion, SAE S Cislhoun county, clreuit canrt, September term, 1035. ji an 5 iM 232 x ible et ae Cutartes Cianron, — Plaintiff, ; 2 \ Be era8 2 egaes against MisD poxipelition —— ee =. G s See Lava Winsiow Sinith Welks 16on e326n4e 1835 Bidet Bee =a oe Catnantve Caxton, Defendant, J for Divorce. Henry Bresbea Hannah Mayers I60n W326nde do 240 812021 Ruafissohnson John B Mahan 100n w B GaSe 10952408120 21 piss plaintiff by bis atiorney, A. W. Caverly, Vhomus Hays 160s WS2on4e do 240 8 12021 a str . i i a She: filed his petition praying for a divorce, and 2 : EIRanah’Pemoth 160s w B Gude do 240B120 21 i n praying Charles Myers John McIntere I6G0nWS36n4e do 240 8 19021 wv iley 1003 @€ B 645e d 2408129 BL presented an affidavit by whjch it appears that the Abram Sopee W James T60n c34Gnge do 24d B 12021 Saml McCallock Moratio Hobbs 160n ¢ 9 Gude do 2408120 2 Defendant in this bill is nota resident of the State Isaac Oukley W Vankook 160s w386n4e do 240 12021 ano Montgomery D whipple 10 w190- 6n5e do 9408, 20 2 of [indis;x—this is therefore to notify said Catha- } 8 ‘Alex Brow Munson & Sanford 160 be d i f Y John Johnson M Bruey 160s €356n4e do 240 8 12021 ee junson & Sanford 160n 3012 Gu5e do 24084 2W 2L rine Clanton of the pendency of this action, and Princ ; eg NL Alsten $B Munn Wn €17 Groe do 2408120 2t f c hice Lewis Chas Higbee 160s w366n4e do 240 8 } 2021 JohuthunSolada MH Howland 160 15 Gy Ge do 9498190 91 that unless she shall appear on the first day of the Natl Woodbury IL Kitrough 160s w-27n4e do odo 8 [2021 gas B Allen W Woodbridge 160; i017 Ouse do O48) 4 nextiterm of this court, to be holden at the court i ’ 9 6 nSe 2 120 2 xe James Willams same 160s ¢ 27n4ce dogqo 8 12021 Geo Johnson Ds Doyd 1605 wiB Oy5e do 281 99 2 house in Gilead, on the Friday before the second A MciIhmmond 160s w 47n4e do 240 812021 David Rogers ‘ M9 ple c18 Gu5e dy 1055992 2 Monday of April next, at which time summons is Allig pillbourn Ie0s © 47n4e doa BY 221 Tuan Willen, gieremialy Russells 100 n Ye 180g He 2408{a0 SL veturnable, to ‘answer the charges allédged against rer Wallace 160s w 57n4e dogdo 8 1 2021 AY arsharst 1601 19 GuGe dy 2408120 2k herin the plaintiffs bill, the same will Le taken as Benj Root Curtis Skinner 160s © 57n4e do 240 6 | 2021 gacob Steubert yMosct 80 pt ie e19 nge a, 240 3130 et confessed, and the cause heard ex-parte. John Lester 1 Albertson 160s © 674e doQ40 81 2021 SSBingham David Peaslee 140 pt wl Guge lo 2408120 2 Wn FRYE, Clerk of said court. Jos Fios I60n € 77n4e do 240 842021 Stephen Young Ezckil Whitman 1607 220 Gn5e¢ do 2408120 21 Gilead, Sept. 10, 1834 —39-42 wee Gung 160s ¢ 87n4e do 240 312021 Stephen LLoyd ves e20 6u5e da 2409190 2b — i = = oI acov Konts 160n e 8 ‘ SEIT RTL NE , nm e2l gn5se doa State of Illinois F t, April term, 1936. John Trobridge H Flagg Teoeas oan 3 a 8 nape W Afcionire 2 E George Mrine 99s = 2 cntela Serre or Duaniy,¢ Cieuitecurt April ter 7 “4 as = 2 is How: a etn 5 inti Nah Harley J Robinson etal 160nw 97n4e do gao $1208 ely sonters eveyone ean, ene Josmtt LA ONe ay aoe a aed ae 2 eodwin f° W Atkins 160s w 97n4e do 240 g 12041 VL Loyd Dis Moyd 1001 w3l Gw5< NSa Z i Facaes Pads’ nd feeaten Jordan 180s ¢ 97n4e dog4y 5 12021 1 Armstrong same 160s w3L gn5e Baxnysone S. Fox, Defendant P W Rud David Noyes W60n elo7n4e dooao g 12091 Peete cetrcr Gini 1GQaswe A gn 5 e N OVICE is hereby given tbat a cat piiaitech: W Thunderbush Preston Shepperd 160s wlo7nae doa4o g 12991 Dee gNRa Desaml Viccieiee tenes Biman has been Beeyed opto PEE CANT James Thayer same , « 1605 cl07n4e dogg 9 12091 Dan! Murphe 1601 ¢ 3 o pal af Se ee Ate neteatdatatey: Saml Hall D Cameron 160s wil7nge dogy4o g 12921 sno Chamberlain 160» I orasbys.andiegeingti ejeataleotes negates a7 James McClary Horace Juhes 160s e117n4e¢ doogo 5 1209, Pe Lordly 120 pra more Sabo lOriie DS ET aa W Kencaid Z Cook jr 160 n wI47n4e do gqo 8 12094 Fobavent soul Hits BoA ee NE ee deiontantenalt DLHeymouth J Robinsonetal 1605 e147n4e dog yo 81 Soa iiiea Hankins ane April next; and that MIC BR VE sale de sie a s i Jos Wilson! ¢ L Dewort 1605 wl47n4gce a yames Tube! 180 appear; give special bail, and plead on the first day Us ewer n4e CO 940 8 18021 W Brownlow 160% of the next term of said court, to be holden at Quin- Chas'Blankenship Jos Allen T60n cis7n4e doggy 8 12021 R Woneyentt pe 160.0 son the(econtiMontaysoleA piiljeAagDs 1836 W Hutchinson J Hobinson etal I160n wis7n4e dog 4g 8 12021 games Capes Es ipa ve Rid een will becrendeed Mutua erendiines Nancy Dixon 160s WI57N4e do 8 120 soln Paradise ‘Thos Hepkins c “him, i ~ 2 a y 6 a el < PS'Ridgeway 160s 167 n4.€ <5 ane 3 12024 zames Hamilton Ma nes Hie property atidebe | will be sold to satisfy the plain Riciid Doore 160n cl77n4e do say B 12081 Hugh Thomeon Martin Biquit 1608 BES EID NS SMENRY He SNOW, Clerk. John Reynolds J Robinson ctal 169nwi77n4e do 549 9 12091 Tsane Smith isanc, W Copes 160 Cletk2s offioe, nieeontrts John Walker A Cashman 169s wi77a4® Wo 949 3 12021 Wm Stewart _Righd Berrian g's Quincy; january 12, 1936. Stephen Bartlett I Whitman 169s e177n4© doggy 3 12021 Teac ACSmith po ee ee Aa. |S Sremnate rina: SraniMRGp Sng EAN 160n c187n4e do ody 8 1 egai Sohn Mens CL Walworth 1407 | State of Fitinois,? cisevie cout April term, 1930. Jeremh Hopkins Levi Beebee 160s e187n4e do 545 gy ol Riex ae ay SATE tee eal A Adams: County, § £55 John Stewart 5 160n e197n4e doo 4q § 19001 Santen SG Wright ena Hays Parrox, Plaintiff, : Ethen Bacthis A Loveland 45 ptse 97H 4€ do giz 7 108 p Miller AndrGLiwe 100 4s 9.408120 21 ys. Foreign attachment I Willer : 160n w207n4e do o4 1.08 211 A Ramhert Gwinn & all 1608 dp 3409120 2b Geo W. Bennian, Defendant, é : Jolin Lewillen Martin Peequet 320s 4007n4€ do cacy) bree! gacob Stranbacls Tho Armstrong 1607 de 2409120 2 OTICK is hereby given that a writ of Foreign ¥ DSavage i i ; 05 a 48016 24021 WAllen — ,¥ gohn Townsend jana tars 40/9130) 21 Attachment has been issued out of the Clerk's avage Karrick & Duvall 1695 wo47n4e do & dy 120 2t Soeli Hanimond same 160s e'e47 AOide ee) 2021 C Howlett Sonagney Sen ord: 16% fo tent Sitice-of said Circuit courtyat the suit of Hans Pat- 2 aon 4 sdorado a8 1,201 voliniGisce, aL Myers Lone fee an oor ton, and against thevestate of George Washington John Benham SB Muno 160n e257n4e d rk a Alex Barntt P Sanburn 160s 240120 2t & Thos Robenson MBruen/ 160n wo57n4e ae 3 Ae 8 t see Oliver Evans 1602 do 2408120 21 Berrian, for the sum of seventy-two delists and ee §, 0 g§ 12091 Ho dy 9 40 £ ve turnableon the 11th day of Apri a 160 e ay\dson Ho! 1605 24081 ve cents, returnableon: y Goes Wm Wanbury 180n ae je 202 40g 12091 W, Stewart sohn'A Morton 160.0 ay 240.9 L that unless the said defendant shall ap- Bernard Slaug! seed pu lsh weTy nae (0240 g Leal gacob Fisher olin Royd 1602 a a40g12 ye special bail, and plead on the first day of Bernard/Slaughter’ i : b 2774 © doo4o 2 12091 Cyrus Barker Aalerson Pigg 80 ¢ he DB the next term of the said court, to be holden at John Ferguson Wm James = 160n c287n4e doo dg © 1 2091 aabez Casteline zoseph C Smith 160 oe a ar id ty, on the second Monday of W Moore W P Haskins ~ 160n w987n4e go o4, 8 002 James Vine ulin Marker 1608 to 1 Quincy; in said’ county;, ane es | G Parsons IP Reynolds 245ptn g097n4e gaze 8 202k games P zacobs D Backman 160% dy 120 the month of April next, judgment will be rendered : n do 240 5 19021 Chase Henry Hart 130 pen cb 3 against him, and the property attached will be sold iConrad Messenger 1605 e297n4e 4 f o ae fm de F 8 Pade p Stephen Content I Evarts 160s e307n4de yor a! 20 a1 same William Hart SO pin te 120 to satisfy the plaintiff’s demand and’cost. 3 209 : i a ‘ Lawleas Austin R Casey 80W An e3l7n4e ae 240 , 12)91 Gunea sce Gin Bais Tie te ane te __ HENRY H, SNOW; Clerk. ‘Oliver Wilkins WoMOhara 805 4s e317a4¢ qo tog 4 OO?! John Davis same 1609 lo 240 1 Clerk's office, Circuit courty : Charles Hart _I Beddington 160s wa27nde do | 20 4 Oat N Franklin 150 « ean Quincy, January 12, 1856: 5 Michael Mullegani 160n ws37nd0 do 240 x 12021 Tho Felgerald TSO meal IE a ela ee er Territory of Michigan, 2 James Turner Edwd Giddings 1320 €357n4e do 549 ® 1o001 gohn W Monroe Te eme ean sien dong’ 1% Des Moine County: $ Josiah Abbot 1 W Yose 160» was7nce weaay 2 120SL 1ohs w2 ange We 240 1: N petition to the judge of probate of Des Moine Geor Aranire IL Bogardus 1605 €357n4¢ do a4q ® panos 162 e2i3nae 1? 240 ie county, by JFilliam Pritchard, guardian of W Latham . 16Onw367n4de doo4g & 12001 ast FO Oe ney ae Sophia Palen, after’producing the last will of Joshua Danl Sorter 160n © BAN4e doodg © pagai eae ug ete 160s w2dtinte 42949 1 Palen, with a copy of the Probate thereof, under Cornelins Ball Jos Moores 16Onw 88n4e do 945 Or 2091 Patrick D wilson William Ball 803 hn wil7 onae the seal of the court of Saint Louis county, state of Reuben Parcher Steplen Jones 19s w 88nde doggy © jogot Faml § Secks Ezra Faifield 56 -pts » 3 Gnae 4 Missouri, where tne said will was proved and allow- 1H Fowler Hibcetsentae, 160s ec8amde ‘do 81209 Thomas Wilson same 35 pla e 4 Gunde to ed, prays that the same may be filed, and recorded c 240 5 1209F do Sou RUBY : ‘ Peter Clar PH Schenck 60s w 9an4e dogyg ® jooa1 Hees por eer e AO Oe eas in the Probate office of the county of Des Moine.— Wm W Parish John MFadden 162s € 98n4e dog 4q 8 jag a1 LasaeiCaricnye Sian ARES NS ote rae Now therefore, I, John Whitaker, judge of probate, GA Winslow Benj Rogers YOn © Dande doo 4o © 4 gal 1 Merrill Win Proctor 160 28 Snaw 40 for the said county of Des Moine, to, hereby give Geor Inllesh 160nw Vande do 24, 81 202 gabez Wallen same 1601 228 Sunde do notice in compliance with the requisition of the PT Golden SG Wright 320n htign4e do 0 g 12021 : goseph Ross 80w pts wld Gunde % statute, that unless good cause shall be shown to Joseph P Elson R Riggs S205 hilande do 40162 498! L Ross BOwhn ¢13 Snde We me on or before the 15th day of February next, John MoGook RC Anderson 160s wiSande do #0016" 402! Diana one (elle eS trt acea a against Ming and recording the said will, the pray- Dan! Uginfutz Spangler & Erb 16Onwidande do 222 8! 302! a oe eae En Oat er of the petitioner will be granted, and the said Sanford Burdett. ‘80° bs e1dsnde do vg, 8120 3 ne 100, {30 255% will filed and recorded according to law Luther Williams John M Faddon 160n ejssn4e doggy 4,002 gohn Wilson biynard Vandyke 805hy ¢23 Suge 4a WM. R. ROSS, Clerk. Heary Harris 16Onwi5ande do 21 8! 202at john M Bride 4 same fons 693 5nde Mo By order of the Judge of Probate. Charles Conant 160s ejs8n4e do 24> 812021 gohn Hasherger Timothy Gridley 0}004 ¢17 GnSe Burlington, Dec. 31st, 1855.—39-41 Danl Stewa 160 240 312021 Richard Milliams same 1602 ¢20 652 4 See Sees ae Jonaeivtenes nelTanée do orgq 14021 Abner McCloud same 160n 020 GnSe Mo SALE OF SCHOOL LANDS. nas Masan TRobensonetal !69nwi78n4de do 5 Levi Hobbs Timothy Gridley 1602 e236 7u3e 4% 5 t 2 Jain BY 160 240 gigo2t as Y ea i N pursuance of the laws respecting School qines Rares Hyman Grats 5 e\78n4e do Dudley H Taylor same 160 jp x86 Gy Se 0 é Jonathan Revis C Jallace 1605 e188 ae do 74° 81 202k ayillaaistewet! same 120 ptr « @ 5n3e do Lands, shall offer at public sale, on the first Jos Campbell 160 nae 40 940 912021 Gileneicetioniaalanme On 18 4n2e do Monday in March next, at theldoor of the court WR Bark 1600 1B o4e do 940 gt e02t TimaibyClosson Startng Tumneri80whn wi8 6n5e do Houselin.Warcc(countynall of scclion)Not sixteen ar i : y Classon Starling . ‘ David Yaclsen luge wait 160s ae ‘ 4 4 é a6 240 g12021 Martin Curtis Patrick MH Hart 803 hs ¢33 Sn3e de in township No, cight north of the base line, and Jones Jonca John Cobb 160s weoende do 242 812021 Se SALE = range No. one west of the fourth principal meri- ohn-S 12 5 ti \ , old, John-Strout Jas Magofin 160s ealfnge do cae 81202 Co ae UINCY. dian. Said seclion is divided, and will be sold, iw Zenas-‘Swain M Myers © 160n es2gnde qo ett! 81200 a1 OF VALUABLE LOTS IN QUINCY. lots containing tighty acres of land each, for ready Wm Blair : i 160s woop ye 12240 8120 24 N Monday the 11th day of April next, being money. Andrew Wouley Levi Bebce 1Gds casa ae 10240 8190 21 the first day'of ‘the next Circuit Court, there ALEXIS PHELPS, Commissioner James Sprat a 160n c93 One va 240 8 120 21 willbe sold at Public Auction, at the Clerk's Of- of School Lands for Warren county. Dan! Lee. Jag Bert WOnWosgnde da zy 8120 at fice, 1 Quincy, County of Adams, State of Illinois, Dec. 25, 183).—39-44 C neyen. 25and¢e do 249 8 1 29 TWENUY-FIVE or THIRTY Valuable LOTS, Marcus Carpenter Jas Roberts 1605 Wo3gnd4e do a WEN? IVE or 1 l NOTICE. iter yonme,, egress wa gt2 2 ee sctee ecioe fic eat oe eta oho Berlin 160n w i 2 ront on the Public Square; a great po : 6 ‘Henvy’Magrath Wis 10, wegen ae (2240 8120 21 tg. are well situated either far business, mechan- M. LeRoy, deceased, will please come forward Jolin Gafeny McDonald & Ridgley 19 nw ao7onge daz 8120 2t c's shops; or family'residences. ‘Those frontin and make immediate payment,the books and papers Charles Palmer NEasiman =. On wosande doz S12) a on the public square.are situated near.the location Will be in the hands of M. Bayne, who will receive Jobn Lewergood Jame Nai 160" Hwee do 240 8120 21_ of the new Court Mouse, and occupy the most el- and réceipt for any moneys due said estate, ‘Andrew Wilburn I Geeen 160- care nae ae 240 Siw 2 evated and commanding point in the town, and are ‘Also, all persons having claims against said css Fos Glover Rufus Reed 160% eee 10 240 B 139 at considered the mostelegible situation for Stores, tate will appear before the judge of probate on the Galvin Cole e < eee a6 240 8120 21 Sc. first day of February, 1836, for the purpose of adjust- Lucius Ba E 00 280 4e 10240 a 190 ot Teams of SAue.—The purchasers will be requir- ment. Lucius Barnes sw29gn4e doo) g 199 i a TW. eeen gal 8 240 8 120 a ta commence at eleven o'clock, A. M. on the da OTICE is hereby given, that I will offer at Levi Work Richd Smiu) 160 32 d i , y _ euIEVERS = 2 SSuileae rece, De ee eee oe Ort sO ey aforesaid. Public Sale, at the Court House in Lewistown, eae ee ae 20S 7S? 8 ness eaod mn SAO Rat - HENRY H SNOW Clerk on the first Monday of February next;ibetween the ‘asl st Par letie Massee enn essange do 240 18 120 a Cuims's Orrice, County 2 hours of ten o’clock, A. M. and four o’clock P. M. ee iene oud Vee eyes tas wea aor elim © Gomsissionen’s Count, 6 38-51 of said day, all the right, title and interest which AEM ome we 160 w 220 Se do 240 8 120 at Qvixoy, Dec. 15, 1835 Joun Lane, lately deceased, had of, in, and to the OE ed Teste: | AW 5505¢ doogy 4120 rhe edi 7 i following described Lots in the town of Lewiston, Aguilia Conrad John C White 160n e B5n5e doz) 8120 o The editor of the Singamon Journal will please Terie Coa nfo liFUllammantie Slatexotelllinoisnts G Farnsyorth GT Armstong 1nw ggnse do240 8129 2 Instrt the foregoing Vilvertisement in his paper 6 on niyrol/Fultagyand: State: ofadltingisn te Jewell Goodrige } 160n w 75n6e do240 $190 2 wetks and send hig account, with one of the papers iN Patsy OA Oe os Tee ete ees J Hmilim | 1605 w cortaining the Advertisement to the Clerk’s office. 223, 279, 288, 289, 290, 255, 256, 257, 169, on lf | MSG, l0-9 4080) 20 AN = - credit of nine months, the purchaser giving bond eal 4 sehe yeaeal | Gn wis5n5e doo4g gop 2 BOARDING, With approved security. Tatege Eat, Wee) a? teomeas nice do s17— 708: 3 N consequence of the present high prices of pro- JAMES BROWN, Administrator Joh Silver DiI Boyd | 160.5 w 36nSe do240 8141 21 ‘visions In the market, the subscribers give: no- of the Estate of Jobn Lane deceased. John DGable R Riggs. | 160n € 46nSe do 240 6120 at tice that they are under the necessity of making Satan a Arle Josli gs Be ; 1Onw 46n5e do 249 8120 at an advance of filly cents per weck in the price of x D Be Lis Divenndl — 608 w 46n5e do 240 8120 2 Dobrding: SHALL attend the Court of Probate for the County of WBureu . C Blodget | 1é0nw 56N5€ dood) § 120 a BROWN & ROOT. Pike and State of Ulinois, on the first Monday in Febru. Jolin Ohes Jacob aad 160n e 6605e doedd 812 21 Quincy, January 13,.1836.—p ary next, to make a final settlement of my administration o ames Nyatt A Langworhy y6onw 66nge do24) 812) 2 y ox +f Willison 160 z : ; f 1€ Parshal Wichola Granner,; L 3208 h 6605e do 48) 1g 240 1 180sw 76n5¢ do24 g1ig0 21 = es 2 WANTED to purchase 500 bushels of Oats. * MONTANDON & KIMBALL, the estate of Solomon Seivers, Inte of sad County, decease: all persons interested are-requested to attend. JOHN BATTERSHELL, Administrator. Pittafield, Nov. 30th, 1835.—35 G